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November Call to Prayer

I’m getting very excited about next year’s Gatekeepers Prayer and Worship Summit on Capitol Hill and across from the White House!  The brochure is just about ready and will be sent to you soon!  You will love the new look and the message it conveys!

I have traveled to Alaska in January for many years now to rest, pray and seek the Lord for the New Year and have often stayed in a secluded cabin in the snow.  On one of my trips, I went to a little historical mountain climbing town called Talkeetna which is the last town that you can get to before reaching Mt. McKinley in the winter time.  You just can’t get any further because the snow and ice is too treacherous.

Talkeetna is also the town where you can get your last minute training and supplies for your journey before you ascend.  I was able to see some of the mountain from my warm and cozy cabin.  I will never forget the experience of seeing the Northern Lights as I stood outside in the sub zero degree weather just for a few moments late at night.  Don’t worry….I was dressed super warm, of course!  My dear Alaskan born friend and Board member, Kelly Allen, made sure of that!

It was a spectacular show of glory in the sky!  The heavens declare the glory of God!  I can’t help but to think of another Board member, Educator and Astronomer,(not Astrologer), Dr. Mike Reynolds, who often says, “Keep looking up!”  He teaches that science proves that there is a Creator!

Mount McKinley is also referred to as Denali.  And one of the most important things about this glorious and great mountain is that it is the highest mountain peak in North America. We have put a photograph of this great mountain on our brochure which is breathtaking.  It represents the significance of our “climb” or shall I say our “flight” to the top of the mountain summit of the Lord.  By His Holy Spirit, we are going to get there next year and for our Summit/Conference as well.

The Lord wants us to experience His presence, His Word, His revelation of Himself and of our times in a whole new level and height.  This Summit is for the purpose of changing us as well as changing the spiritual atmosphere of your nation and the earth.  The whole earth is full of His glory and He wants to open our spiritual eyes to see as He sees and to be effective in our work for Him.

Now after saying all of that, I want you to know that once again, I will be traveling to Alaska in January for my personal prayer journey near that great mountain, Denali, to respond to the Lord’s voice to “Come away My Beloved” to prepare for the Summit as well as for the New Year of 2010.  To refresh your memory, in my last communication with you I shared that, ‘”He will manifest His glory and His promises in due season if we continue to believe Him and faint not.”’ His timing is perfect for each of us!

Also I shared that, ‘”A Summit is a conference or meeting with high level leaders, usually called to shape a program of action.  It has been said that history is in the hands of the intercessors.  Perhaps it is better said that, history is in the hands of those who pray and lead the way.  Let’s make history in the heavens and see His glorious presence permeate Washington, DC and throughout the land…. Let’s declare, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” Revelations 11:15.

And may I add that a Summit is also the highest point.

We are flying high to His Summit Mount,

Pastor Pat Chen, Founder and President
First Love Ministries International Prayer Center

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